Dissidents of Utopia is a an ongoing space opera saga. Earth has finally reached peace. Poverty has been destroyed, the horrible damage done to the planet in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries has started to be undone. The Sol System Science Federation needs something to steer it on the path to a better tomorrow and that is Project Gagarin.
The Starship Gagarin is mankind’s greatest technological marvel. It combines all the advances of space travel of the twenty-second century, along with biological advances that can feed it’s crew and recycle their resources and can safely bring human beings to the stars. Gagarin’s elected leader is Thomas Kafando, who played pivotal roles in the tail end of the revolutions both of Earth and it’s sister planet Mars.
Gagarin’s mission, decided democratically by the SSSF, is to seek out intelligent life in the universe and befriend it. That will be a difficult mission, but mankind’s most decorated scientists, engineers, diplomats, support workers, scholars and, yes, unfortunately, soldiers are ready to give it everything they have.
The novel (starting with the Prologue)
Look forward to updates every month at least until the novel is complete.
About the Author
J Peters is a writer, cartoonist and beauty contest champion from Boston. Their work has appear in the Weekly Dig, Boston Pheonix, PEWG Blog, In the Single Bound, and Leftovers of the Living Dead. Mostly, they’re a weird crank that makes weird crank things to amuse themself and if you like them as well… thank you.